Thursday, January 24, 2008

limau chicken burns/indonesian traditional dish

"Limau" Chicken Burns
(ayam bakar limau)

Chicken burns piquant and delicious, fit to serve at holyday. So that entire families can enjoy it.
Source: www. resepmami. Com

Dish category: Indonesian dish
Presented to: 6 person


1 chicken, cut 6, Contuse
1 lemon orange juice tablespoon
1 salt tablespoon
2 lemon oranges cut in two
3 sweet soybean sauce tablespoons
100 ml coconut milk
4 sheets of orange leaf
2 oil tablespoon to fried
5 onions
3 garlic cloves

Manner cultivates:

1. Attenuate onion.
2. Attenuate garlic.
3. Soak chicken in orange juice and salt during 30 minutes. cast aside.
4. Fried onion and white that refined with orange leaf up to fragrant.
5. Insert chicken, stir until turn colour.
6. Add sweet soybean sauce and coconut milk. Poke at up to half done.
7. Burn with lemon orange cut up to ripe.
8. Present with warm rice.

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